Accurate Targeting System for Precision GPS Guided Munitions (ATS-PGGM)
Accurate Targeting System for Precision GPS Guided Munitions (ATS-PGGM)
Precision GPS-guided munitions require accurate, 3D geo-location data of their targets to ensure effective engagement.
Characteristically, ground-based surveillance/observation systems view their targets from ground level, however elevated. This results in low observation angles. Consequently, the target picture generated by such systems is two-dimensional.
Ground-based surveillance/observation systems would qualify as targeting systems for GPS-guided munitions if they could provide a 3D geo-location picture of the targets they observe.
ACS presents ATS-PGGM – Accurate Targeting System for Precision Guided Munitions.
ATS-PGGM is a computer unit designed to upgrade any surveillance/observation system into a 3D targeting system for precision GPS guided munitions.
ATS-PGGM enhances the effectiveness of surveillance and fire management teams (JTAC – Joint Terminal Attack Controllers, forward artillery observers, close air support coordinators, etc.) and significantly improves the accurate delivery of precision GPS-guided munitions.
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The Netherlands
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