Command & Control 

Solution > Homeland Security > Comand & Control

ACS Command & Control software suite performs functions necessary to provide vital situation awareness to decision makers and responders in day-2-day activities, and also critical situations.

ACS systems assist agencies in collecting, storing, and understanding mass volumes of data being collected via deployed sensor networks, other systems, and multiple intelligence sources among others. Meaningful information is generated through data fusion engines, data analytics, and artificial intelligence systems. Each system is custom developed based on existing or newly expanded networks (both sensor and communication), end-user CONOPS, and direct and indirect stakeholder needs.

ACS in-house capabilities include:

  • Site assessments of communication and sensor networks
  • CONOP development including multiple branch and/or agency coordination
  • Customized configurations and agency specific work spaces and workstations
  • Virtualized storage and datacenter design
  • Sensor network design (including civil related deliverables)
  • Integration of legacy sensor systems
  • SLA based operations and maintenance contracts

Please contact us regarding your specific HLS needs