Command, Control & Communication System for Air-Defense Systems (C3SFADS)
Command, Control & Communication System for Air-Defense Systems (C3SFADS)
A generally-accepted definition for “Air Defense” is “all measures designed to nullify or reduce the effectiveness of hostile air action.”
In practical terms, these measures include purpose-specific weapon systems (ground-based, airborne and shipborne), the sensor systems that support these weapon systems, the command and control resources used to employ and manage the air-defense effort, as well as some passive resources. All of these measures are employed to protect the national airspace, vital infrastructures, high-value installations and military forces. Missile defense is a more recent aspect of air defense.
The objective of the over-all air-defense effort is to detect and identify hostile aerial targets (fixed and rotary wing aircraft, UAS, missiles, rockets, etc.), engage these targets and destroy them before they can inflict damage.
In addition to the over-all air-defense effort, deployed military forces and forces operating on the battlefield, at sea or in out-of-area situations require their own air-defense capabilities.
Ground-Based Air-Defense (GBAD) efforts may be divided into the following categories:
GBAD systems can also constitute a deterrent, as in some cases they can threaten the enemy’s airspace, thereby deterring the enemy forces from using this airspace for offensive purposes.
Today’s air-defense system category includes an extensive variety of surveillance systems, weapon systems, Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence (C4I) systems and integrated systems.
Modern Command, Control & Communication (C3) systems significantly enhance the effectiveness of air-defense systems, including short-range and very short range (V/SHORAD) systems
ACS presents C3SFADS – Command, Control & Communication System for Air-Defense Systems.
ACS Possesses extensive experience in the development and manufacture of state-of-the-art air-defense systems and elements for air-defense systems, as well as in the upgrading and modernization of legacy air-defense systems. To date, we have supplied air-defense systems to numerous clients around the world and our systems have been proven operationally.
C3SFADS is a state-of-the-art Command, Control & Communication system for air-defense systems.
C3SFADS ensures optimal deployment as part of the mission planning process. It assembles and disseminated a current, integrated status picture based on input received from multiple sensors and enables the user to manage the various air-defense missions in real time.
C3SFADS allocates priorities to the various targets and assigns responsibilities to the various elements of the air-defense system. It minimizes coordination processes based on human interaction, thereby minimizing time delays.
C3SFADS may interface with other air-defense systems, C3 systems and ATC systems and ensures optimal utilization of the performance characteristics of the fire units it commands.
C3SFADS prevents “Friendly Fire” situations and saturation.
Key Features & Major Advantage
Laurierstraat 71 HS, 1016 PJ, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel: +31- 20-811-5091
Fax: +31-20-330-5444