
Fighter Aircraft Operational/C4 Upgrade Suite (FAOUST)

Weapon systems generally and fighter aircraft in particular cannot be replaced at the same pace in which technology evolves. To prevent ageing fighter aircraft fleets from becoming obsolete, they must be upgraded. The operational potential of a fighter aircraft is determined by its performance as a flying platform and as a weapons delivery system, and by its effectiveness as a weapon system that operates on the battlefield within the broader context of the aerial power of the user country. These are the primary aspects normally addressed by fighter aircraft upgrading initiatives

ACS presents FAOUST – Fighter Aircraft Operational/C4 Upgrade Suite.

FAOUST addresses two primary aspects of fighter aircraft upgrades: the operational capabilities aspect and the battlefield effectiveness aspect.

FAOUST consists of an airborne unit and a ground unit.

The FAOUST airborne unit is a “plug & play” upgrade system fitted into a capsule in the shape of an AIM-9 missile. FAOUST requires no integration and provides the aircraft with new and/or enhanced operational capabilities, including accurate navigation, day/night and all weather operation, enhanced weapons delivery capabilities (air-to-surface and air-to-air), upgraded communications (e.g. datalink) and avionics, enhanced safety and other capabilities.

The FAOUST ground unit enhances and improves the effectiveness of the fighter aircraft as a weapon system operating on the modern battlefield. This is accomplished by enhanced air, ground and sea networking capabilities and by the on-going, current air status picture generated by the ground unit.

Key Features $ Advantages

  • Airborne unit provides aircraft with new and/or enhanced operational capabilities:
  • Accurate navigation
  • Day/night & all weather operation
  • Enhanced weapons delivery capabilities (air-to-surface & air-to-air)
  • Improved communications (e.g. datalink)
  • Air status picture input and improved avionics
  • Enhanced safety
  • Ground unit improves aircraft battlefield effectiveness through:
    • Enhanced networking
    • On-going air status picture


Laurierstraat 71 HS, 1016 PJ, Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Tel:   +31- 20-811-5091
Fax:  +31-20-330-5444
